Monday, January 15, 2018

weekly ramblings

A little rambling for the week....

President Thomas S. Monson's funeral services were televised on Friday afternoon.  This man's life was absolutely exemplary.  If he you have an hour, his service is so worth watching.  It was inspirational.  And the closing hymn and Elder Holland's closing prayer touched me deeply.  I've never heard that hymn before.  Perfect.  Here's a link to the funeral online. 

This week has been pretty crazy.  A month before my new calling, I began playing cards with these three amazing 80-ish women.  This week, one of them, Viola, was in the hospital with pneumonia for a few days.  I visited her and prayed for her and worried about her and thankfully, she is home tonight.  I am literally in love with these three ladies.  I adore them all.  They are such remarkable women and I could hardly bear to think about her being so ill.  Oh my gosh, I love them!

I've been able to spend some time with some other good friends this past week, as well.  I got to have breakfast with Kara, lunch with Natalie another day, visited with Susan in Ohio, several times.  I can't imagine my life without my amazing and wonderful friends!  I am indeed blessed in that department!

Tonight, Doug and I went on a double-date with Bishop and his wife Denise.  We enjoy our time with them for sure!  We don't even talk much business when we are together.  Doug and Denise are definitely the quiet ones in the group! It was a fun date.

I've been working on some very big changes in our Relief Society Visiting Teaching.  I'll be making announcements about it tomorrow in RS.  Tonight, I had my big magnetic board up on my desk and was making notes of a few things while listening to my "Sing" playlist.  Zeej was sitting on one of the chairs in our bedroom next to me.  Phantom came on and she turned it up.  A Michael Jackson song came on, it went up a little louder.  Celine Dion... louder.  Then the Macarena came on and we both instantly jumped up and started dancing together!  Oh how I love this gal of mine!   We had a fun lunch date today at TRH, sharing a Critter Salad and then tonight, ended the day with dancing together while Doug and Quayd were in the den finishing their Jason Bourne marathon. (I'll pass.)  Zeej is my girl!  I adore her!  (PS... new shoulders and the Macarena... no beuno!) (Oh well, worth the pain!)

Today, was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  Zeej did an even bigger happy dance last night when she came out to the hottub and I asked her if she realized she didn't have school!  Today, we did a little shopping and had lunch at her favorite place, Buffalo Wild Wings.  We came home and planned on watching a movie and hanging out more, but, I got busy working on our Visiting Teaching changes and she started working on some projects of her own in her room.  We texted and called each other to say, "Hi.  Hi.  Bye. Bye."  I do love this girl!

Today, I spent seven hours working on Visiting Teaching changes.  As a presidency, we made a huge decision last week to make a huge change in how report out visiting teacher.  I texted our bishop in the middle of our presidency meeting last week and he came right over to hear our thoughts.  I wasn't sure what he would think, but he immediately responded, "Go for it!  Let's do it!"  So, on Sunday, he released seven visiting teaching supervisors and our co-ordinator and now all visiting teaching reporting will be directly to our presidency.  I feel that with all of the changes taking place in the visiting teaching and the way that we are learning on Sundays, this was a good change to keep the presidency more in touch, directly, with the sisters in the ward.  It was a big leap of faith for us, but it feels right for us!

Tonight, I received a text with some information about a member of our ward and I, literally, just said a prayer and began to cry out of concern for this person.  Doug walked in and saw me at my desk, with tears just falling.  I said, "I love these people so much!  I hate when they have challenges!"  Honestly, I've never felt such an abundance of love for so many people all at once... people who I normally would have never made connections with.  This calling is a gift!  I am the one feeling mostly blessed because of it!

Tomorrow morning at 9AM, we will hear the official announcement of our new Prophet, President of the LDS Church and his counselors.  It is with great anticipation that we await this announcement. 

Life is good.  SO very very good! 

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