Friday, March 30, 2018

special guests

We had been excited for a couple of months, since Doug had received the announcement in one of his YSA Stake High Council meetings that his cousin, Larry Corbridge, Elder Lawrence Corbridge of the First Quorum of the Seventy for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, would be speaking, along with his wife, Jacque, to all of the YSA students on March 18th.  As soon as I'd heard this news, I was on the phone to Larry, who is Doug's first cousin, and invited them to stay with us, have dinner with us, whatever would fit into their schedule.  We have looked so forward to having the kids spend some time with "Uncle Larry" and "Aunt Jacque".  Larry is one of Quayd's biggest heroes!  As it ended up, they spent Sunday afternoon between meetings with us.

On Sunday morning, Doug's meetings beginning at 7AM and mine at 9.  We finished church at 2 and Larry and Jacque arrived at 2:45.  We had also invited Aleece and Dee for dinner (Doug's youngest sister.)  There was visiting while I finished up the gravy and rolls before we gathered around the table and had a lovely meal with even lovelier company.  The conversation was uplifting and positive.  We talked family, gospel and even shared a few "how we met" stories and experiences, which left me blushing and lots of laughs.  (Thank you, Doug.)

I made a simple meal, the traditional Utah Sunday dinner.   Dutch Oven Pot Roast, Potatoes, Carrots and Onions, Homemade rolls, Strawberry Spinach and Feta Salad, and then dessert.  The dessert was my favorite new thing ever!  Of course, it involved cream cheese and heavy cream, so what's not to love!?  It was fabulous!  I can't wait to make it again.  I'll share the recipe in another post.

We enjoyed some tabletalk and then gathered around the fire for some more time listening to Larry and Jacque share their thoughts and experiences on family.  What a blessing to have married into such a remarkable family who love all unconditionally.   It's pretty amazing! We had Dee and Aleece's children (who are all married) join us for the last hour.  We were all strengthened by the thoughts that were shared. Quayd, who swears that the closest he'll ever get to marriage is marrying a white corvette in the temple parking lot, said, "I can't wait to share this with my kids one day!"

The fireside at the Spectrum for for the entire valley of 18-30 year old singles.  Larry and Jacque's talks were awesome.  And the music at the end of the program, by the LDS Institute Choir was remarkable!  A fabulous day!

Honestly, as I've thought about that afternoon for the past week, I can not say enough, how blessed I feel to be a part of Doug's remarkable family.  They are unique and accepting and just plain wonderful.  I grow every time I am around them!  The gospel and Doug's family keep me grounded and make me want to be a better person each and every day!  Enough said!

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