A few Thursday ramblings...
- As I was driving down the hill yesterday, Doug called on his morning break. I had to stop and snap this picture of the valley. I talk about the "inversion", when our valley floor gets covered in fog for days on end. It was such a beautiful day at home, but closer I got to the valley floor, the more foggy it became. As I drove down 1400 North, I could see the top of the fog hovering over the valley and see the top of the Wellsville Mountains. Driving on the highway (Main Street) to Smithfield, which sits in the center of the valley, visibility was almost nothing! This picture shows exactly what the inversion does... the fog settles at the bottom of the "bowl" that is formed by our surrounding mountains. What a beautiful and fascinating world we live in!
- Grace... We have been doing some serious debating for weeks about her making the change next year to the Logan school that ZJ is attending.I promised her a decision after her next conference with her teachers. Next year is Grace's senior year. She loves her friends, teachers and absolutely loves Bella Voce. BUT. Her sister and all of the kids in the neighborhood are going to school in Logan. So, she really would love the opportunity to attend school with them, as well. Grace has an IEP since she was in elementary school, successfully working with her to the point that she is only in resource math. To move her in her Senior year has only one advantage and that would be social. Academically, there are no advantages...not for her last year only. So the decision was made and the subject will now be dropped. She will graduate from her current school. No changes will be made.
I was thrilled to hear her teachers call her a "superstar", "a beautiful inside and out wonderful student", "one of my favorite students", "one of the sweetest girls in this school". She needs to stay put. When we addressed it last night, she was content with the decision. I'm feel that Zeej was more disappointed than Grace was. One thing that sounded exciting to Grace was that the drama teacher wants to see her even more involved next year, which was promising. She's excited about her senior year! - Quayd... this was his very last IEP meeting. So hard to imagine. Quayd also had to make a very difficult decision himself, regarding his last four months before graduation. It was a difficult decision and I decided that I would let him make it himself. I held my breath as he debated his options in his mind. Finally, he looked at us all and shared his plan. I was proud of him. He did not make the decision that I would have made. I would have gone with the other option because it had more of a guaranteed outcome. Quayd chose to make the more difficult choice, which will be more of a personal challenge for him, but he is committed to accomplish this goal. And even more important, later, he texted me to ask how someone else who was involved was doing (a result of his choice). It was so interesting to me, as I reviewed what had just happened, to consider that I did not see a boy making this decision, but a man. It was a had choice for Quayd and I am pleased at his determination.
- Quayd was asked to another girl's choice dance this weekend. He was invited by a gal that he barely knows. I was proud of him for saying yes. She's not in the group of kids that he's really been friends with, but he said yes and she's different than the girls he has dated in lots of ways. I said, "Good for you!" He said yes because she asked first. Last night, they had their "pre-dance" activity date and he came home telling us about the fun games that they played and the good time he'd had. He really is a good kid. I heart him.
- Yesterday was insane! I had parent teacher conferences for Quayd and
Grace from 9-11:30, lunch with Carol right after that. The minute that Doug came in, we
headed off to the CPA to get our taxes done. As we walked out of the
CPA's office, Doug called our good friend, Doug (or as the kids call
him, "Uncle Herman"), who had left a message that he would be traveling through Logan. We were very happy
when he accepted our invitation to stay with us this time as he passes
through. Quayd had a date,
Grace is still sick, so Zee stayed home with her while Doug, Doug and I went out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse. I hadn't had five minutes to think about dinner all day long, so Doug's suggestion of dinner out was wonderful to me. After dinner, we all gathered in the den, visited, read scriptures, and called it a night. We were actually in bed
pretty early, which I know that my Doug needed! He's working a lot of
hours, keeping up with his YSA duties and trying to be there for all of
us as we need them.
- Last but not least, I'm just making a note... today is the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion. I remember lying on the couch that morning, after sleeping there the night before, with one of the worst flus I ever remember having. Watching the lift-off live and sitting up, staring at the TV and saying "WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?"
- Today, while Doug works, I'm going to take Doug B for a drive around the valley and then tonight, he may get to meet a few of our YSA kids at a gathering. I've got a few things to do to help Quayd get ready for the dance, and a little banking to do. (I've not cashed Grace's last three paychecks. oops.) We'll take Grace, who's still barking for our drive today. A. To get her out of the house and B. because we wouldn't want to look "inappropriate". It will be a fun day and Grace will be happy to be out for a bit. She acted better yesterday but sounded worse. Thankfully, everyone else in the family remains healthy!
I hit a button and an entry from 2012 opened up. It as about a missionary dinner you had prepared and the guys were busy or forgot. It was fun to read as I thought it was this week and you mentioned a great visit from brother, Rick. Then I checked the date, the kids' ages were off but that can happen, right? Do you go back and read these good old posts? Very good reading. love. Gayle