Wednesday, August 26, 2015

new beginning...

Today, on my tenth anniversary, I love journaling more than ever!  LOVE IT!  I love being able to look back and find where we were, what we were doing, when we were doing it and having all that info at my fingertips.  It's been fun to meet so many new friends over the years, as a result of my blogging.  Our life has been enhanced by many of the friendships that we've made!  I will continue to blog, whether it's the "cool thing" or not, for my own happiness and for my journaling!  It's great therapy to write things down! 

This past year, with moving/remodeling our new home and three kids working, Doug's crazy hours, plus, a crazy life of my own, I've not been as diligent about blogging daily. I made the time for it every day for all these years, it was a priority.  It still is, but, with the issues that I've had, it's been discouraging and frustrating and I didn't have time or energy to fight it! I can't count the hours that I've written and attached photos, only to have it disappear before posting. With a new blogsite, I'm hoping for less hassle!   I'm learning the ropes, so it will take a bit before I get it tweeked!

Life is busy!  I highly doubt that life will slow down just because I'm not driving kids to work... now, it's school, kids church activities, new church responsibilities for Doug and I, extra-curricular school activities and their work...not to mention a house to keep up with, a social life and my own personal time! I'm feel happy that life is so busy!  Feeling, as always, so blessed!  

Life is good!


  1. Congratulations on the 10 years and the move. I am a loyal blog reader for most of those 10 years! Looking forward to many more. :)

  2. Happy ten years!!

